PNG - the impact of a testimony

My outreach team stayed on an island off the coast of Papua New Guinea for two weeks where we would hold nightly meetings for the island at our host church. It was one of our last nights there and one of my fellow missionaries, Briley, shared her testimony. God had changed her life in so many ways and she had a fiery passion to see the kingdom come. As she started her testimony, the whole village listened intently, there was an expectancy in the air for how God was going to move. She finished her testimony with an altar call, a couple people came to the front and we started praying for them… then more came, then more and more till the front of the church was filled with people of all ages accepting Jesus as their savior. We saw 100+ salvations that night. How great is our God that He would choose to partner with us in bringing His kingdom to earth.


Norway - evangelism changes a life


PNG - Pastor’s daughter makes a decision